Thursday, September 30, 2010


Id really like to know who started the idea of "The world ending in 2012". The Mayan calendar ends in 2012, yes, BUT do you honestly think the Mayans were going to keep creating calenders for ever? NO, they had to stop somewhere and it just so happen to be in 2012. Its terrible how the Internet, books and magazines have blown the whole idea out of proportion. At least once a week I hear someone say " OH MY GOD WERE ALL GONNA DIE IN 2012!!!" are you kidding me? They said the world was gonna end in 2000, people went crazy, locking them self's in their homes going to extreme ends of being afraid, and did it happen? No it did not. The whole idea of Nostradamus "predicting" its going to end is bogus to. If you look back at all the things he predicted he was only right about a few, so who is to say this prediction is going to be right. You'd think if we were all going down in 2012 scientists would be warning the world right about now instead of focusing on other scientific issues. In my opinion this whole end of the world stuff is going to go two ways, either the recession were in right now with all the bankruptcy will go into a depression and get much much worse, OR the recession is going to come to a stop and things will start to pick up again. I DON'T believe a black hole is going to suck the earth in, or an ice age is going to occur, or an asteroid is going to hit the earth, or a hurricane is going to destroy the planet, or a HUGE weather disaster is going to crumble earth to a million pieces, or aliens come to planet earth and abduct everyone. I do how ever believe that yes we will have weird weather phenomenas because of the global warming, but it doesn't mean the world is going to end and we all die. The year 2012 is going to be nothing more than a new era, evolution will change the ways of things. You can consider it as a " New world" or so to speak.

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