Wednesday, October 20, 2010

5 Things I would Grab If my House Was Burning Down

If my house was burning down the 5 things I would grab would be, my cell phone, my camera, my i-pod, my dog, photo albums. ( In no specific order)

I would grab my cell phone because how else would I call 911 without a phone? How would I aware my friends and family that I'm in trouble with out it? I use my cell phone for everything! yes I could get a new phone if it burnt down in my house, but then I would have to re add all my contacts into a new phone and that would take up a lot of time.

I would also grab my camera because it has a bunch of recent photos on it that I wouldn't want to lose. Camera's are also expensive, yes insurance would cover me for that so I could get a new one, but I really like the camera I have already. It was a Christmas gift from my parents it would be a shame if it got destroyed.

My i-pod is another thing I would take because it holds all 800 of my songs on it. If my house is burning to the ground at least id have some tunes to rock out too, to kill time as I watch my house crumble. I could get a new i-pod....but then id have to re download ALL the songs and it would take me a solid week to find all 800 songs again and I'm to lazy for that sooo.

I would defiantly grab my dog because shes our family pet and we love her. Shes been apart of our family for 6 years now and it would be like losing a family member if she perished in a fire.

Last but not least I would pull out the family photo albums. Photos cannot be replaced. They are a one time deal and if you lose them, you lose them forever. If all our photos burned we would have no memories to show our future family members and that would be a shame.

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