Thursday, January 20, 2011

The 3 "A's" Of Awesome

One of the small pleasures in life I like to endure is reading. I love to read.  Nothing is better than sitting down after a long day at school or work, putting your feet up and cracking open a good book. I like the feeling of hearing someone Else's story whether its fact or fiction, and feeling like I know that person as if they are a family member or close friend. It feels as though I am actually in the mind of the character, and if I can relate well I actually feel like the author is telling my life story.|

The second small pleasure I enjoy is going for a drive. Driving gives me the power to clear my head and thoughts. Driving along an open road staring out the side window gives me time to think things over. If I'm sad or upset, if I'm confused or angry, driving lets me ease all those emotions out onto the open road, and for the time being, all my worries in the world are washed away.

As Neil Pasricha said in his oral speech, it is important to enjoy the simple pleasures in life. You only have 100 years to live or less, and there are so many things in the world to enjoy in so little time. So make the best of it and use your time wisely. Use the 3 A's of awesome, attitude, awareness and authenticity.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The Three people's Blog i commented on

Zac- Moral Dilema
Alorah- Write about how you felt when you were discovered you were lied to
Ilona- Rant

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Mcbeth: Act 1

In scene one Mcbeth is fighting in King Duncans war. He and another soilder are walking through the woods when they come across 3 witches, the witches then tell Mcbeth that he will become king. Mcbeth goes back to his couters and writes a letter to his wife Lady Mcbeth explaining the events that had occured in the woods with the witches. He also tells her that King Duncan will be coming to their castle for a short nights stay. Lady Mcbeth then starts to think in her head that they need to kill the king in order for Mcbeth to take the throne. A day after, Duncan arrives at the Mcbeth castle where Mcbeth and Lady Mcbeth make studious hosts and make the king feel right at home. The mcbeths then start to plan out their devious scheme to kill the thing and start to put there plan in motion.

Mcbeth is a courageous character, fights bravely in battles. He is kind hearted and shows this when he willingly lets the King stay at his castle. Mcbeth has good humanity and morals because when lady Mcbeth tries to convince him to kill the king he feels guilty even though he has not done the deed yet and wishes not to do it.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The Creative Hour

3 Reasons to turn down a marriage proposal hmm.. let me think. Well number one I'm underage, so anyone who asked me to marry them I would automatically have to say no because its the law and I'm not of age. I could lie about my age, change the date of birth on my birth certificate so I COULD get married if I really wanted to. Second reason to turn down a marriage proposal is maybe your just not ready to get married. Even if you are of age you  might not be ready for the commitment of marraige. You see all these young people jumping into marraige without fully weighing out the pros and cons of it then they end up divorcing because they wernt ready for it. Whats the point of committing your self in marraige if your just going to break your vows of  "Through thick and thin" through divorce? Third reason for turning down a marriage proposal would be because your parents and family don't like the person your wanting to marry. Imagine being totally in love with someone and planning on marrying them but your parents and family HATE the person. You cant truly be happy with them if your family is constantly raising havoc about them and not getting along with them.

Moral Dilema

The scenario here is I have to choose between saving a historical object or a living human being. Personally I would save the old lady. She may be elderly and  not have much time in her life to live, but she IS living and I would feel guilty taking away the last bit of life she has from her. The mona lisa is just a painting, yes it is a historical painting but its not someones child, mom, aunt, grandma, great grandma. Knowing that I let someone perish in a fire would be more guilt than I could bare, especially knowing how much pain the family would be in. Her life has more value than a painting, it may not mean anything to me but it does to someone else like her family and friends. Although I am a stranger to her, im thinking about the outcome and what her family would be like if they lost one of their loved ones. That being said I stick to my choice of choosing her over the mona lisa.

Witches and Witch Hunts

Witches are often heard of during the month of October when hollows eve takes place on the 31st. Often the question comes up, what are witches and where do they come from?

The word "witch" comes from the word "wicca" which are male and female members of the religion paganism. Paganism is a religion that preaches the earthy aspects of god instead of the traditional christian ways. Anyone male or female that practiced paganism was automatically accused by the catholic church of being a witch.All the accusations lead to a witch hunt. The witch hunt took place in the countries Essex, Suffolk, and Middlesex in colonial Massachusetts other wise known as " The Salem witch trials". 385 people all from England, in total were convicted of practicing paganism and were accused of using blackmagic. 150 of those people were from Salem. All members of paganism were sentenced to be hung, and anyone who did not admit they were apart of it or pleaded guilty were crushed to death under heavy stones in attempt to force them to please guilty. During these times the accusations became even stricter. It went from anyone who practiced paganism to anyone who acted sort of "weird" or wasn't like "everyone else" in the community. All this being said anyone who was different or practiced a different religion was stereotyped into being a witch and having relations with the devil and demons and were condemned to death. Back then if you dared to be unique or followed different beliefs you were labeled by the church, a witch.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

5 Things I would Grab If my House Was Burning Down

If my house was burning down the 5 things I would grab would be, my cell phone, my camera, my i-pod, my dog, photo albums. ( In no specific order)

I would grab my cell phone because how else would I call 911 without a phone? How would I aware my friends and family that I'm in trouble with out it? I use my cell phone for everything! yes I could get a new phone if it burnt down in my house, but then I would have to re add all my contacts into a new phone and that would take up a lot of time.

I would also grab my camera because it has a bunch of recent photos on it that I wouldn't want to lose. Camera's are also expensive, yes insurance would cover me for that so I could get a new one, but I really like the camera I have already. It was a Christmas gift from my parents it would be a shame if it got destroyed.

My i-pod is another thing I would take because it holds all 800 of my songs on it. If my house is burning to the ground at least id have some tunes to rock out too, to kill time as I watch my house crumble. I could get a new i-pod....but then id have to re download ALL the songs and it would take me a solid week to find all 800 songs again and I'm to lazy for that sooo.

I would defiantly grab my dog because shes our family pet and we love her. Shes been apart of our family for 6 years now and it would be like losing a family member if she perished in a fire.

Last but not least I would pull out the family photo albums. Photos cannot be replaced. They are a one time deal and if you lose them, you lose them forever. If all our photos burned we would have no memories to show our future family members and that would be a shame.