Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The Creative Hour

3 Reasons to turn down a marriage proposal hmm.. let me think. Well number one I'm underage, so anyone who asked me to marry them I would automatically have to say no because its the law and I'm not of age. I could lie about my age, change the date of birth on my birth certificate so I COULD get married if I really wanted to. Second reason to turn down a marriage proposal is maybe your just not ready to get married. Even if you are of age you  might not be ready for the commitment of marraige. You see all these young people jumping into marraige without fully weighing out the pros and cons of it then they end up divorcing because they wernt ready for it. Whats the point of committing your self in marraige if your just going to break your vows of  "Through thick and thin" through divorce? Third reason for turning down a marriage proposal would be because your parents and family don't like the person your wanting to marry. Imagine being totally in love with someone and planning on marrying them but your parents and family HATE the person. You cant truly be happy with them if your family is constantly raising havoc about them and not getting along with them.


  1. I like how you had very good reasonings behind your topic. You were clear about why you thought it would be a reason to turn down a proposal. Also, I like how you make the blog feel personal, like I am having a conversation with you not just reading words on a screen. It has lots of emotion behind it and also includes very good use of words. The con of this blog would be that it is a bit short and could use a bit more detail. There is also a few spelling/punctuation errors, but overall is a good blog! :)

  2. I like how you back up your three reasons to why people would turn down a marriage proposal, they are very clear and true. I like how you have some humor in your blogs it's awsome ! This blog shows that you stand by what you say and I like this blog alot ! :)
