Thursday, September 30, 2010


Id really like to know who started the idea of "The world ending in 2012". The Mayan calendar ends in 2012, yes, BUT do you honestly think the Mayans were going to keep creating calenders for ever? NO, they had to stop somewhere and it just so happen to be in 2012. Its terrible how the Internet, books and magazines have blown the whole idea out of proportion. At least once a week I hear someone say " OH MY GOD WERE ALL GONNA DIE IN 2012!!!" are you kidding me? They said the world was gonna end in 2000, people went crazy, locking them self's in their homes going to extreme ends of being afraid, and did it happen? No it did not. The whole idea of Nostradamus "predicting" its going to end is bogus to. If you look back at all the things he predicted he was only right about a few, so who is to say this prediction is going to be right. You'd think if we were all going down in 2012 scientists would be warning the world right about now instead of focusing on other scientific issues. In my opinion this whole end of the world stuff is going to go two ways, either the recession were in right now with all the bankruptcy will go into a depression and get much much worse, OR the recession is going to come to a stop and things will start to pick up again. I DON'T believe a black hole is going to suck the earth in, or an ice age is going to occur, or an asteroid is going to hit the earth, or a hurricane is going to destroy the planet, or a HUGE weather disaster is going to crumble earth to a million pieces, or aliens come to planet earth and abduct everyone. I do how ever believe that yes we will have weird weather phenomenas because of the global warming, but it doesn't mean the world is going to end and we all die. The year 2012 is going to be nothing more than a new era, evolution will change the ways of things. You can consider it as a " New world" or so to speak.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Top 3 Horror Films

The category I choose was horror movies. My top 3 are, Paranormal Activity, The Fourth Kind, And Amity Ville Horror. The criteria I used to choose my picks were based on, which one was scariest, the one that seemed most believable, and the one that left me in totally shock after it was over.

The first movie I choose was "Paranormal Activity". This by far was one of the scariest movies I have ever seen. The reason it was soo scary was because it was totally and utterly believable. For one the whole story took place in a house, just a normal cozy looking house. The girl lives in the house with her boyfriend and experiences paranormal activities that scare her to death. The reason its soo believable is because the whole movie looks like a documentary, and the people who star in the movie are just average Joe people. At the end of the movie it says "This story is based on true events" so everything you just watched you would be lead to believe is real. By the time the movie was over and I had left the theatre, I was reduced to tears in complete terror.

The second movie I choose was "The Fourth Kind". This movie was also very scary. It takes place in Alaska, so not a very big place. Aliens visit a select few people and invade their homes. The creepy thing is the aliens are not seen. You can never actually see the aliens you are just allured into thinking their there. In that case your imagination runs wild with ideas of what this unexplainable phenomena  is. Throughout the movie these people are visit by the unknown space creatures and are taken. But wake up and remember nothing. This movie is believable because at the very beginning a script roles by and says " Based on true events" just like in "Paranormal Activity". If you believe in aliens or any sort of unknown thing up in space there is no doubt this movie will leave you frightened, because you tend to think of what if it happened in my town? or to me? or someone I know? By the end of the movie your left wondering and thinking WHAT IF.

The third movie I choose was "Amity Ville Horror". This piece was scary also but not to the extent of the other two. The setting is in a house that is hosted by a nice family of two parents and two children. The house is said to be "haunted" and unexplainable things occur to specifically the father who lives in the house. He is taken over by a mysterious need to kill his family, and constantly sees the ghosts that are said to haunt the house. They tell him to do unthinkable things to his family which then leads to him going crazy. This movie scares me because like the other two it says at the beginning " Based on true events", and the setting is in a house with a normal looking family. The scenes in this film are extremely graphic and leave disturbing images in your mind which makes you frightened. I couldn't possibly imagine something like that to actually happen to a family, because it just doesn't seem possible. But when the producers but "Based on True events" in the movie it just makes you wonder.

The three things these movies ALL have in common is in every single one it says 'Based on true events". In my opinion that's what makes it believable and scary the most. People don't usually believe in these sorts of things because they seem so unrealistic, but then when you really think about it, WHAT IF it was real? There have been a few events that have happen in the world that no one can explain. Who is to say that these three things couldn't actually happen? It totally messes with your phsycie, and leaves you confused and full of questions. That's the best part of horror films, your left with the unknown :)

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Often as a child you are told tales of superheroes, superheros that have superpowers that are unknown to any normal human. As you get older you start to realise that superpowers are not real and just a fairy tale your parents told you as a bed time story. Although I realise there is no such thing as people with caps, or spider webs coming out of their hands, I cant help but fantasise about what it would be like to have a superpower. If I could choose any superpower to have I think I would have to choose telepathy. Reading minds would give you the power to hear what people are going to say or thinking about you before the words actually leave their mouth. You could never be lied to again by anyone with this ability because you would be able to hear the truth in their thoughts. I would use telepathy to see the answers to test questions ;p I would never fail a test again =) Over all telepathy would be the most effective superpower for myself.